Need to complain directly to the airline? Click here
Need to file a formal complaint with The Aviation Consumer Protection Division? Click here. (NOTE: International airlines may or may not fall under this agency's jurisdiction. If your flight originates or ends in the U.S., you may have some rights enjoyed by customers of U.S.-based domestic airlines. However, if your flight does not involve a U.S. leg, then, no, don't file a complaint here.)
Complaints about AirAsia (Google Search)
If anyone knows of an official governmental agency for filing a formal complaint against this airline, please email the webmaster.
Comment below:
Air Asia has a bad reputation for not making timely refunds but my problem is taking A VERY long time to resolve. In April they canceled all of their flights to European destinations. We had booked a flight to France over six months previously. We elected to get a refund of the amount we paid for our tickets. It is now June and we still do not have our money. Repeated calls get the canned reply that it is "in process." Still no money.
ReplyDeleteI have always thought Air Asia was deceitful on their website in that they trick you into agreeing to take many things you do not need. This includes the following: They automatically add on the largest allotment of checked luggage at an exorbitant fee; they sign you up for their insurance coverage and it is difficult to remove this "selection"; the automatically charge you for seat selection even if you do not choose special seats and, once again, it is difficult to opt out of this and they charge you a booking fee whether you do it on the phone or online.
If you still choose to use this airline, BE CAREFUL.
My girlfriend and I flew with Air Asia from Hong Kong to Bangkok. On this flight, there was a suspicious looking man sitting across the aisle from us. Then he suddenly moved to the open seat next to me. When the owner of that seat arrived he refused to leave, so the seat owner didn't make a big deal about it, whereas we could see on his ticket that this suspicious man was actually sitting a few rows infront. No support for us. As the flight continued, he kept on groping himself with his hands between his legs constantly looking at the stewardesses as they passed. A while later, he stood up and took a small bag from the overhead storage bin and went to the bathroom. We noticed that the bag he took was not his, it belonged to another man sitting infront of us. I informed this man that his bag was stolen. He ran to the bathroom to confront the thief. The thief was holding fist fulls of Hong Kong Dollars, I estimated the equivalent of $30,000.
ReplyDeleteYelling ensued and eventually the steward put the thief NEXT TO US for the duration of the flight. We felt uncomfortable because we had stopped his attempt at stealing money. We asked 5 times for the thief to be moved to another seat, in fear of what he may do to us. They moved him a few times, but he still came back because "there were no open seats on the flight".
On the ground, we spoke to an Air Asia representative and she told us that indeed there WERE open seats available. We were livid and could not believe that the flight crew of Air Asia could be so inconsiderate to other people's safety. They hardly comforted us on the flight after the incident. A simple "are you okay?" is not enough when you are afraid of a malicious thief. For the rest of the flight we were completely IGNORED by the flight crew, they were afraid to talk to us or even tell us to put our seats in the upright position for landing. We found this completely unprofessional and should be reprimanded, if not re-educated concerning in-flight theft and terrorism. The flight crew was not prepared to handle a situation like this. Moreover, the other passengers around us were laughing at the man and thief fighting over the stolen money.
The Air Asia representative we spoke to gave us a free upgrade on our next Air Asia flight. We had 5 flights with Air Asia in one month. The thief incident was our first flight. We had 4 more to go after that. Needless to say we were scared, and all they gave us was one free upgrade...
This incident has been reported to Air Asia, however I have not received a follow up email. I will continue to email them until I receive an answer. Also, any Air Asia travelers must be aware of the dangers of flying with Air Asia. I hope my message will inform everyone.