Air Deccan (Now Kingfisher Red): Tell Your Horror Story Here

Air Deccan (Now Kingfisher Red)

Need to complain directly to the airline? Click here (I could not find a direct complaint form; you may have to use this email address. Or, for the U.S., call 1-866-4 FLY KFA or 1-866-435-9532. This is a sales and support number.)

Need to file a formal complaint with The Aviation Consumer Protection Division? Click here. (NOTE: International airlines may or may not fall under this agency's jurisdiction. If your flight originates or ends in the U.S., you may have some rights enjoyed by customers of U.S.-based domestic airlines. However, if your flight does not involve a U.S. leg, then, no, don't file a complaint here.)

Complaints about Air Deccan
Complaints about Kingfisher Red
Complaints about Kingfisher Airlines

Complaints about Kingfisher
(Google Searches)

If anyone knows of an official governmental agency for filing a formal complaint against this airline, please email the webmaster.

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